Former leader of Camden Tories to vote for Liberal Democrats

IT’S not so long ago that the passionately pro-EU Andrew Marshall was the leader of the Camden Conservatives, but today he tweets that he will vote for the Liberal Democrats at Theresa May’s snap election on June 8.

The reasons for his disenchantment with the direction taken by the Tories, nationally, under May were well-explained in a piece he wrote for the New Journal when he quit the Conservative Party to sit as an independent councillor in February, so maybe this isn’t the biggest shock in the world.

But it still looks stark in black and white, that somebody who put 23 out of the last 27 years of his life into being a Tory councillor, and once stood for parliament wearing the party’s rosette, no longer feels he can cross the box for the Conservatives.

The question is: could the Lib Dems now convince him to go one giant step further and stand for them at next year’s council elections in Camden?

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1 Comment on Former leader of Camden Tories to vote for Liberal Democrats

  1. Danny Rose // April 20, 2017 at 11:35 am //

    Any vote for the Lib Dems in June’s election will be a wasted vote!

    The party had its chance but Clegg and his clan sold out the British people for the sake of power…..



2 Trackbacks / Pingbacks

  1. Former Conservative leader on Camden Council is voting Lib Dem
  2. Thanks for the offer Tony Blair, but the Liberal Democrats don't need you to win the anti-Brexit argument – UK News

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