Election Daily: Deadline time

33 days to go


THE Lib Dems had a manifesto launch over the weekend which I’d tell you all about if the first I’d heard of it wasn’t past pub time on Friday. The party was, however, organised enough to be the first to get their list of candidates in at the Town Hall today.

You already know who is fighting out their target seats, so probably the most interesting thing on their entries is the fact they are only fielding two candidates in three-seat Primrose Hill. Residents will instead be encouraged to vote for the two Lib Dem candidates that are there Hinne Temminck and Jim Bowen – and then the independent Phil Cowan.

Jill Fraser and Nick Russell are among the former councillors on the slate.

Tomorrow, the deadline passes and we will have the full set. We also have the JW3 hustings in the evening.