Andrew Marshall

After Richmond Park, how will Brexit candidates get on in Camden?

December 5, 2016 // 7 Comments

IF it happened in Richmond Park, could it happen here? Needless to say, the Liberal Democrats, clinging onto one councillor in Camden, will hope Sarah Olney’s spectacular triumph over Zac Goldsmith last week is the beginning of a comeback. Areas like ours, with a high concentration of upset Remain voters and a not-too-distant history of side-swappping, particularly when inner doubts are touched on international issues rather than local ones, would be where the party would hope to recover ground. On the face of it, Goldsmith's support for Brexit appeared more relevant than his promises over the expansion of Heathrow. [READ ON]

The escapee

November 17, 2015 // 7 Comments

FULL COUNCIL 16/11 Town Hall, Judd Street THE head of democratic services at Camden Council, of all people, is spinning a quite outrageous lie in the corridors of the Town [READ ON]