Labour’s choice

TWO more names to add to Tom Copley and Lucy Reese are swirling around the coffee houses this morning as to who will be Labour’s candidate in the Camden Town and Primrose Hill by-election – seen by many inside the group as a sure bet passport to becoming a councillor in May.

Peter Ptashko has rustled up a timely ‘I love Camden Town’ blog which reads to some Labour friends like a pick-me call. But look out too for smart libraries campaigner Lazzaro Pietragnoli who is apparently making a persuasive case for selection.

5 Comments on Labour’s choice

  1. Gio Spinella // February 29, 2012 at 9:55 am //

    Well, if it has be Labour, bring on some more paysans…!


  2. Richard ‘sure bet passport’ is it? We will see about that on 3rd May at around 11:30pm!


    • Sarah Hayward // February 29, 2012 at 7:35 pm //

      I can’t help but be an elections pedant. It will be counted at Ally Pally on the Friday.

      So you’ll just have to wait that little bit longer. But this and the other by-elections to be counted (there’s a few in the North London sector count now), should add a little excitement to the very long wait from them to fix the counting machines for the 19th time for the other elections!


  3. Richard Osley // February 29, 2012 at 10:01 am //

    Contrasting responses from two Conservatives there…


  4. Peter Ptashko // February 29, 2012 at 10:26 am //

    Thanks for the link / ping Richard. I’m just thrilled to be part of a really strong field in my first selection. Any one of us would be a worthy Labour candidate, ready to take on the Lib Dema and Tories in May!


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